October 2022
What is Hako-gaki ?
"Hako-gaki" means autograph or note of authentication written on a box containing an artworks. Most of the accessories used for tea ceremonies are sored in a paulownia kiri wooden box " Kiribako "with an Hako-gaki, which is written in black ink. For example, tea bowls and tea accessories made by "Raku ware"(a type of Japanese pottery traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies) are often inscribed on the back of the box lid (and sometimes on the front of the lid as well) by Iemoto (the head of the tea ceremony) and other prominent tea masters of the period. The name and origin of the tea accessory that is the contents […]
What is Sanada-himo ?
It is said that Masayuki Sanada, who was famous Samurai, wrapped "Sanada-himo(string)" around his armor for his exploits and named it as "the cord used by Sanada". Hard and strong, Sanada-himo was used as a tool to tie items tightly, and was used to secure armor and harnesses and to carry heavy loads during the samurai period. Later, Sanada-himo was introduced into the tea ceremony by Sen no Rikyu who created tea ceremony. Hanging over paulownia Kiri boxes "Kiribako" used to hold tea utensils, the beautiful colors and patterns of the Sanada-himo became a cipher, allowing one to determine at a glance whether the contents of the box were genuine […]
Paulownia wooden box "Kiribako" for storage
Paulownia wood boxes have the following characteristics; ・Humidity control・Fire resistance・Low distortion・Insect resistant・The lightest wood in Japan In Japan, where there are four seasons and high humidity, paulownia wooden boxes "Kiribako" have been used for about 500 years as a storage box. Here are some examples of storage using the characteristics of Kiribako. Tea Ceremony accessories. The use of Kiribako began with the spread of the tea ceremony. The specifications of the box and the color of the Sanada-himo cord favored by the schools of tea ceremony, and the box is made just the right size so as not to take up too much clearance from the artwork. Also the specifications […]